Junior School Activities
Supervision from 3.50 – 5.00 pm is offered in the Junior School., Monday to Thursday.
Drinks and fruit are available
A variety of supervised, structured activities are offered, which change on a termly basis
Parents with younger or older children in Senior School participating in activities, can collect all their children at the same time
Those children who travel home on school transport should go to the collection point near the ILD block at 5.00 pm (3.50 pm on Fridays)
The Junior School staff offer a wide range of activities which are rotated on a termly basis. The choice of activities is made available to parents via a letter from the Head of Junior School at the end/start of each term. The return slip provided enables parents to discuss with their children the choices for the term and help organise their busy calendars and schedules. A term’s commitment is normally required to ensure our registers are accurate.
Pupils can choose from a wide range of sporting, musical, dramatic and artistic activities and some curriculum based activities, including:
Science Club
Wide range of instrumental lessons such as piano/keyboard, woodwind, strings, brass and percussion
Junior Choir
Recorder Club
Hockey/Netball/Rounders training
Rugby/Football/Cricket training
Chess Club
Sign Language
Swimming Club
Drama/Production Rehearsals
Craft Club
Knit and Natter Club